Mozilla Creates An Audio-Enabled Browse

Mozilla, the maker of the famous browser Mozilla, is working on a new browser named Scout. According to

Mozilla, the maker of the famous browser Mozilla, is working on a new browser named Scout. According to the information obtained to use Scat, you do not need to click on the same tokens as Mozilla, and this browser supports voice commands. In other words, you can surf the web with your voice.

Interestingly, the browser’s audio instructions do not just restrict the opening of pages and similar tasks, and Scott also has the ability to read the text of the pages. In the same week, Mozilla will host a series of debates on Scott’s idea of ​​the project.

Google Chrome, with more than 50%, has the largest share of the browser market that users use. Mozilla Firefox is in fourth place with about 5%. Although Mozilla, with its good updates to Firefox over the past few months, has been able to reduce its distance from competitors in terms of quality, but a browser that supports voice commands can be a bigger winner.


Of course, according to Mozilla, Scott is currently in its early stages and it is not clear when it will come to the stage. We can only hope that more information about Scott and its mechanism will be published in the upcoming Mozilla.

Source: digiato

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