Google Uses Artificial Intelligence To Cool Data Centers

A few years ago, Google tried to take new creativity and get help from artificial intelligence to control

A few years ago, Google tried to take new creativity and get help from artificial intelligence to control the cooling systems of its data centers. This would save energy and at the same time lower the temperature of these data centers. Meanwhile, residents of Manitoba have announced that the project is being implemented and the cooling system of the company’s data centers is controlled by artificial intelligence.

At that time, Google was designing new techniques for optimizing energy consumption in its cooling systems, and realized that if one would have to apply these techniques, one needs a lot of time and effort. For this reason, the residents of Mount Vive decided to go to Artificial Intelligence.

Google’s data center cooling system is now generally available to artificial intelligence, but the performance of this system is monitored by operators and they can make changes to the cooling system when needed.

According to Google, the new AI-based system has been controlling Google’s data center cooling systems for a few months, saving 30% of its energy consumption. That’s why the company is looking to upgrade the techniques used in this system to further reduce energy consumption.

Google believes that data centers are not the only devices that can be used to control artificial intelligence and hope to use the potential of their new system in other industrial facilities.

Source: digiato

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